Monday, 3 February 2014

Another trip to the allotments

We had some sunshine this week end so I raced off to the allotments again, it wasn't very warm though, so my snug fingerless gloves were perfect. I find I can happily paint for an hour or two then begin to realise that I am feeling cold, that's when the concentration goes and I pack up and go back home.
This is my favourite 'pinny' (apron to most people) I can keep my brushes and kitchen roll in the pocket. 

This is the finished painting, I made a few changes, but essentially it was how I see it. I  really like these two little sheds and all the allotment clutter, there seemed so much to get in, so quite a lot of it I left out. 

On Sunday I began a second painting, I only got the first stage done but things turned cold, the light changed and I got no further. I am now hoping for a break in the weather so I can rush off again and finish it. Once that happens I will let you know!

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